



ùø                                                                        ùø

ùø                  RING2.B = Bitmapped to Raytracing                     ùø

ùø      Requires : color.bc, sky_blue.map, cd.bo                          ùø

ùø                                                                        ùø



#include color.bc

studio  {

        from -2 -12 6

        at  0 0 3

        up  0 0 1

        angle  50

        res  640 480

        antialias adaptive

        projection flat

        aspect  1.3333

        background  sky_blue

        ambient  .3 .3 .3


//      light sources

light { type spherical radius .5 samples 2 falloff 2 color 15 15 15 position -2 -3 7 }

light { type spherical radius .5 samples 2 falloff 2 color 8 8 8 position 8 4 7 }

light { type spherical radius .5 samples 2 falloff 1 color 8 8 8  position 10 -20 18 }

//      ground plane

surface {

        texture {

                pattern checker

                scale 5 5 0

                surface { diff blue }

                surface { diff red }



ring {

        center 0 0 -2

        normal 0 0 1

        radius 100


//      bring on the dice

surf { diff .7 .7 .7 spec .6 .6 .6 shine 30 white }

transform { rotate -45 -30  -20 }

transform { scale .12 .03 .12 }

transform { translate 5 0 30 }

#include CD.BO




// balls

surface {

        amb 0.035 0.0325 0.025

        diffuse 0.5 0.45 0.35

        spec 0.4 0.4 0.4

        shine 3


transform { scale 6 }

transform { translate -1  1  1 }

sphere { radius .5 center 0 0 0 }

sphere { radius 0.166667 center 0.272166 0.272166 0.544331 }

sphere { radius 0.166667 center 0.643951 0.172546 0 }

sphere { radius 0.166667 center 0.172546 0.643951 0 }

sphere { radius 0.166667 center -0.371785 0.0996195 0.544331 }

sphere { radius 0.166667 center -0.471405 0.471405 0 }

sphere { radius 0.166667 center -0.643951 -0.172546 0 }

sphere { radius 0.166667 center 0.0996195 -0.371785 0.544331 }

sphere { radius 0.166667 center -0.172546 -0.643951 0 }

sphere { radius 0.166667 center 0.471405 -0.471405 0 }


