
Engineering and Technology Forum



Topic: 3D graphics is fun for entertainment and for scientific visualization

講者:林靜榮 博士,美國Landmark Graphics (Halliburton 關係企業,美國前100 大公司)技術指導

Speaker: Jim Ching-Rong Lin, Ph.D., Technical Advisor, Landmark Graphics, a Halliburton company

引言人:陳坤男 教授

Moderator: Prof. Kun-Nan Chen

時間:2007 5 31 日(週四)下午1:20-3:00

地點:八德402 視聽教室

Time: 1:20-3:00 pm, May 31, 2007

Venue: Room 402, Ba-Der Building

相較於10年前,由於電玩及電影產業的強烈需求,現今繪圖硬體裝置的功能更加強大、 價格更加低廉。娛樂產業已將3D 繪圖與我們的日常生活緊密地結合,我們也喜歡且習 慣於與3D 圖像互動,3D 顯像產業也藉此拓展複雜資料數據互動探索的應用。
3D 繪圖不僅止於充滿樂趣的電玩與電影動畫,更在企業中及科學研究中,佔有重要的 地位。繪圖資料數據可能來自流體動力學或物質分子模型的數值模擬、地質量測或天文 觀測數值、甚至於醫療顯影的檢測數據。
本演講將以電影「夏綠蒂的網」為例,解說電影工業如何以3D 繪圖製作3D 動畫電影, 並介紹3D 繪圖硬體設備。同時,本演講也會談到將3D 顯像與互動成功地結合的電玩遊 戲「Wii」。最後,本演講將討論3D 科學顯像,以及最先進的3D 顯像應用,藉由3D 顯 像的協助,工程師及科學家對複雜的數據資料架構及數據特性,能有更深切的瞭解,進 而做出正確的判斷,提升完成特定任務的效能。


Because of consumer demand in the gaming and movie industries, current graphics hardware is extremely

powerful and affordable, compared to the graphics workstations and supercomputers of a decade ago. The

entertainment business tightly integrates 3D graphics into our daily lives. Consequently, people enjoy and

are comfortable interacting with 3D graphics. The interactive 3D visualization society takes advantage of

this to support and promote interactive exploration of complex data sets. While 3D graphics can be all fun

and games, it also has a commanding presence in business and scientific research. Such complex data sets

may include the output from numerical simulations in computational fluid dynamics or molecular modeling,

data recorded from geological or astronomical observations, or structural data obtained from medical imaging.

In this talk, I will introduce commodity 3D graphics hardware, using the movie, “Charlotte’s Web” as an

example of how the film industry applies 3D graphics to produce 3D animated movies. I will also talk about

the popular video game Wii, which successfully adapts 3D graphics and interaction. Finally, I will discuss

3D scientific visualization and current state-of-art 3D visualization applications that enhance and accelerate

specific process by allowing scientists to gain a better understanding of the structural framework, data

characteristics, and subtle details of their data.